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Month: July 2024

How To Prevent Workplace Discrimination

Posted On July 29, 2024 In Employment Law

Preventing workplace discrimination should be a top priority for employers across San Diego and the entire state of California. Companies that can protect their employees from being treated as “less than” due to their sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, disability, gender, or race is not only the right thing to do, but can help promote loyalty, boost productivity, and protect not only employee’s rights, but their mental health as well.…

When Can You Sue an Employer For Wrongful Termination in California?

Posted On July 2, 2024 In Wrongful Termination

California may be considered an “at-will” state for employment, but that does not mean that your employer can fire you for any reason. In fact, if you were an employee who falls under a “protected status,” you may have the right to sue your employer for wrongful termination if you were fired without just cause.…