Category: Unpaid Wages

Is My Employer Allowed to Pay Me Late in California?

Posted On February 20, 2024 In Unpaid Wages

California law requires employers to pay employees their wages on time, late payments are subject to being fined according to California labor code 210. Legal actions are available to employees to collect unpaid wages in California outside of notable exceptions, circumstances, or a pay period’s timing.…

Do Employers Have to Pay Out Vacation Time in California?

Posted On August 25, 2023 In Unpaid Wages

Paid vacation is an enticing job benefit for any potential employee in San Diego. If an employer has established a paid vacation policy, meeting specific requirements ensures employees receive a payout for vacation time.

Paid vacations are part of an earnings package, and each employee is entitled to the wage agreed upon during hiring.…

What Is Wage Theft And How Can I Get Money I’m Owed

Posted On July 24, 2017 In Unpaid Wages

Wage theft occurs when an employer denies an employee the wages and/or employee benefits that they are owed, or otherwise circumvents their duty to pay their workers in full and at the appropriate level.

Evidence of wage theft in the USA can be found in virtually every industry and at every level, but certain industries and employees are much more vulnerable to abuses such as wage theft than others-usually those who can least afford it.…

FAQ About Wage Theft And Unpaid Wages

Posted On July 11, 2017 In Unpaid Wages

All employees are entitled to receive the correct level of payment for their work, as dictated by the Department of Labor. Yet despite this, wage theft is still a common problem for workers all over the USA and it impacts a variety of industries and roles.…

Do Internships Require Compensation?

Posted On November 2, 2016 In Unpaid Wages

Unpaid internships provide people who are in the process of transitioning to new careers or students with the opportunity for real-life job training. In addition, they can also help employers find new talent without having to make a commitment to hiring new employees.…

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