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Why You Should Hire a Wrongful Termination Lawyer in California 

Posted on June 8, 2024 in Wrongful Termination

A termination from a job is incredibly distressing. Not only is it emotionally devastating for many, but it also leaves you wondering how you will pay your bills. This financial burden may discourage people from seeking the help of a reputable San Diego wrongful termination lawyer. However,  you can reach out to Walker Law at any time for a case evaluation to discuss your options at no cost. We believe everyone deserves a fair and safe workplace and will aggressively fight for you if your employer has violated the law.

Benefits of a California Wrongful Termination Lawyer

Managing a case like wrongful termination on your own is not only stressful but potentially risky to your case. There are many examples of what wrongful termination may and may not look like, and you will need someone who is experienced in identifying those pieces. Additionally, there are many pitfalls that an attorney will know to look out for and potentially challenge. Some of the many ways an attorney can help your case are as follows.

Understanding the Nuance of Employment Law

A reputable attorney from Walker Law understands that each case differs from the next, regardless of how similar they may seem. Additionally, they may be more familiar with the retaliation and discrimination laws affecting your case, catching opportunities that you may miss on your own. They can examine the facts before them and consider how they favor you and your compensation. The culmination of this experience and knowledge can set you up for a higher settlement amount and better overall results than you may otherwise get.

Familiarity With Expectations

When you work with a wrongful termination lawyer, they are familiar with the process. This includes what is expected from them in terms of court filings, timelines, and deadlines. Keeping up with, managing, and missing deadlines can be stressful and disadvantageous to your case. Knowing someone is there to ensure the paperwork is filed promptly and the appropriate administrative steps are taken frees you to focus on your life and discover what is next for you.

Reducing Risks to Your Wrongful Termination Case

Providing convincing evidence for your case is integral to recovering a fair settlement amount or winning at trial. Equally important is ensuring you aren’t doing things in the settlement process that may hurt your case. Your attorney will be a great source of guidance to keep risks minimal. Some of these risks may seem as simple as a social media post or a conversation with an old coworker that provides ammunition to your previous employer to deny your claim or make your case seem weaker. When you secure a wrongful termination lawyer, they can take the lead in communication and minimize the risk of inadvertently damaging your case.

Retaining a California Wrongful Termination Lawyer Levels the Playing Field

Many may feel that filing a lawsuit or retaining a lawyer makes them look bad or is extreme action. However, in most cases, it simply levels the playing field. Often, your employer will either have attorneys on staff to consult with or attorneys on retainer to be available to them when necessary. This puts you at a significant disadvantage when negotiating settlement offers or even substantiating your claim for wrongful termination, particularly if you are not as well-versed regarding your rights as their counsel is. Don’t let yourself get taken advantage of. Let our San Diego employment lawyers protect your rights and seek justice when treated illegally and unfairly.

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