Posted On March 21, 2024 In Employment Law
New workplace violence protection laws in California will require employers to have a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan soon. These laws set a new standard for businesses and pave the way for additional protections under employment laws in San Diego.
A company’s Workplace Violence Prevention Plan should create guidance for the following directives:
This plan should be readily available to employees and consist of an independent document or be included in a company’s injury and illness prevention plan (IIPP). …
Posted On February 8, 2024 In Employment Law
Americans spend a lot of time at work. And we often stay in contact with those we work with around the clock in an age of telecommuting. Work friendships can be a source of job satisfaction, making work a place we look forward to spending our day.…
Posted On January 22, 2024 In Employment Law
You can pick and choose your friends, but you may not be able to make decisions about who you work with, and that often means you could be stuck with people who may not be easy to get along with. Even when you know they are outright wrong in the way they act, talk, or work, there are still a variety of things you can do to protect yourself and avoid complications along the way.…
Posted On November 22, 2023 In Employment Law
When you go into an interview for a job you want, do you feel that you have to answer every question that is asked of you? You may not know when you can skip a question or even confront the interviewer about their right to answer those questions.…
Posted On November 13, 2023 In Employment Law
“Can we call your past or current employer?” This is a question that an interviewer may ask you in the hopes that you say that they can and, in doing so, they hope to get any information about the type of employee you were.…