Category: Employment Law

Religious Discrimination At Work In San Diego

Posted On February 16, 2018 In Employment Law

Religion is always a touchy subject, and while the workplace is somewhere that all employees should be treated equally, it can be difficult to know when to draw the line when religious issues are cited. Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for employees to practice their religion.…

Frequently Asked Questions About Dating In The Workplace

Posted On January 23, 2018 In Employment Law

Given that most employees spend a lot of time with their colleagues and get to know them very well, it is no surprise that a significant number of San Diegans meet their future spouses at work, and workplace romances are actually quite common.…

Frequently Asked Questions About Age Discrimination

Posted On December 15, 2017 In Employment Law

Age discrimination is potentially the most common and pervasive type of employment discrimination that workers across San Diego face, despite the legal protections in place to safeguard the rights of older workers.

This type of discrimination places older workers at a disadvantage when it comes to hiring practices, career advancement and continued employment, which can in turn have a knock-on effect on the business in terms of limiting the skills and experience of the workforce, and of course, increasing the risk of potentially costly and time-consuming litigation.…

Have You Been a Victim of Age Discrimination in the Workplace?

Posted On November 22, 2017 In Employment Law

Ageism or age-based discrimination against older workers (generally considered to be those over the age of 40) is perhaps the most common form of workplace discrimination in the USA, and yet it can also be one of the hardest to pin down and define.…

Can My Employer Retaliate Against Me?

Posted On November 6, 2017 In Employment Law

Most employees are aware that there is a legal framework in place to protect them against harassment and discrimination in the workplace, and to provide a form of redress in law if an employer violates these statutes.

However, many employees are discouraged from speaking up or taking action against their employers out of fear of retaliation-being wrongly punished or penalized by the employer for asserting their rights under the law.…

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