Posted On February 25, 2018 In Employment Law
The legalization of marijuana in San Diego has been in the news for several years now. Legalize or not to legalize? Many states are facing the same question, while the federal level of law enforcement still maintains marijuana in all forms is illegal.…
Posted On February 16, 2018 In Employment Law
Religion is always a touchy subject, and while the workplace is somewhere that all employees should be treated equally, it can be difficult to know when to draw the line when religious issues are cited. Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for employees to practice their religion.…
Posted On February 4, 2018 In Workplace Harassment
Almost everyone has experienced working for a boss that can be described as “difficult” at some point in their careers – but even so, some bosses and managers seem to deliberately go out of their way to create a toxic working environment and act as workplace bullies to their colleagues and subordinates as their standard approach to management.…
Posted On February 2, 2018 In Workplace Harassment
Workplace bullying is unfortunately very common across San Diego at every level, from the most junior of employees right through to executive management. However, as anyone who has ever been the victim of workplace bullying will know, bullies are often smart enough to keep their activities under the radar, discouraging reporting and making it hard for managers and HR professionals to take action.…