Everyone is entitled to time off; it doesn’t matter what job you’re doing, you are legally allowed time away from the workplace. For military members who might be stationed overseas for long periods of time, this might seem like a special circumstance, especially since most people understand that as military members.…
The right to be paid for any work you do is covered under many laws and enforced by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Pay discrimination in San Diego occurs when employees who are doing a job that is similar or equal to one another are not paid the same rate.…
People get fired for many reasons, even some that aren’t their fault. If you’ve recently been wrongfully terminated in San Diego, or your boss is talking about disciplinary measures that may lead to your being let go from the company, then you not only need to know your rights, you need to know the most common mistakes that people have led them to being fired.…
The legalization of marijuana in San Diego has been in the news for several years now. Legalize or not to legalize? Many states are facing the same question, while the federal level of law enforcement still maintains marijuana in all forms is illegal.…
Religion is always a touchy subject, and while the workplace is somewhere that all employees should be treated equally, it can be difficult to know when to draw the line when religious issues are cited. Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for employees to practice their religion.…