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Common Interview Questions You Don’t Have to Answer

Posted on November 22, 2023 in Employment Law

When you go into an interview for a job you want, do you feel that you have to answer every question that is asked of you? You may not know when you can skip a question or even confront the interviewer about their right to answer those questions.…

What Can My Former Employer Say About Me in California?

Posted on November 13, 2023 in Employment Law

“Can we call your past or current employer?” This is a question that an interviewer may ask you in the hopes that you say that they can and, in doing so, they hope to get any information about the type of employee you were.

How to Speak with Your Employer About Religious Accommodations

Posted on October 18, 2023 in Employment Law

Many employers recognize that their employees follow very specific religious beliefs and requirements. Most employers do not try to stop you from engaging in these types of limitations or requirements. Still, it can become challenging in situations where there is any type of overlap in your employee duties. 

Your Rights as a Pregnant Employee in California

Posted on October 5, 2023 in Employment Law

Do you know your rights as a pregnant employee in California? At Walker Law, we champion the rights of families, and that includes ensuring all of your rights related to pregnancy are fully understood and adhered to. Consider what some of those rights are, and then reach out to our San Diego employment lawyers if you have any questions or concerns.…

Do I Have Worker Protection Even if I Work From Home in California?

Posted on September 22, 2023 in Employment Law

More Californians are transitioning to remote work at home each year, with that number continuing to grow. Whether working in the office or at home, employees benefit from the same labor laws. If you work from home or are considering this transition, what will this look like for you? 

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