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Bad Faith Insurance Claim: Simple Guide and Typical Cases in California

Posted on February 11, 2019 in Personal injury

When you enter into an agreement with an insurance company of any description, it is easy to assume that they are on your side. Insurers should be looking out for their customers and have their best interests at heart. You take out an insurance policy, stay within the policy limits, make an insurance claim, then fall victim to insurance bad faith claims and end up with very little following a claim, even though you were insured through a “reputable” law firm.…

5 Signs Your Insurer May Be Acting in Bad Faith

Posted on February 11, 2019 in Personal injury

Insurance is unavoidable. It is something each and every one of us will probably have to deal with in some way and at some point in our lives. An insurance claim, policy limits, insurance policy, settlement offer, attorneys’ fees, claims adjuster, denying a claim, personal injury… these are just some of the terms we may come across.  …

The Basics of California Insurance Bad Faith Law: Everything You Need to Know

Posted on February 9, 2019 in Personal injury

You have probably heard the term “bad faith” bandied around a lot. Whether in legal dramas, on the news or elsewhere. The term is not just jargon or a useless term in legal circles; companies have an obligation to treat you in good faith in their dealings.…

What’s Your Unpaid Wages Claim Worth in San Diego?

Posted on January 30, 2019 in Employment Law

There are many laws in place federally to make sure that employers treat their employees justly. Employees have rights, and employers must recognize this. In fact, so many of the laws in place for employees and employers come from the Fair Labor Standards Act, which was passed federally and encompasses the whole United States.…

Bad Faith Meaning and Definition: A Legal View

Posted on January 21, 2019 in Personal injury

If you’ve watched TV dramas set in a courtroom environment, you might have heard the term “bad faith” used in legal proceedings. You may have heard or even used the term conversationally regarding an insurer, policy limits, or an insurance claim.…